Exception handling in Python 3.5

In this article I will introduce you to exception handling. In the previous articles in this series we use exception handling to cover some rare exception cases (remember the Guess the Number game?) and now it is time to explain…

Groovy – The concept of optional typing

We haven’t used any explicit static typing in the way that you’re familiar with in Java. We assigned strings and numbers to variables and didn’t care about the type. Besides this, Groovy implicitly assumes these variables to be of static…

Introduction to lambda expressions

In this article I will give you a quick introduction about one of Java 8’s new features: lambda expressions. I will show you what lambda expressions are and how can you utilize this new feature.

Linked Lists

What is a linked list? The Linked Lists is another data structure and is also a common data structure that includes a group of nodes in a sequence that is divided into two parts and each node consists of data…

Groovy Beginners Tutorial

Installation The only prerequisite for installing Groovy is that you must first have a 1.4 or 1.5 or 1.6 JDK installed (available free from ) and the JAVA_HOME environment variable set to the location of your JDK installation.

Compiling and Running Groovy

We have used Groovy in direct mode. In this part, there is another way of using Groovy  is to compile it to Java byte code and running it as regular Java application code within a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This…