Category Selenium

Selenium is a set of tools used to automate and test web applications. Since it is not a single tool, it is referred to as a Suite. For deeper and better understanding, think of Selenium as an API for the web browser, i.e. manipulating the elements present in it. Here you will find list of article dedicated to selenium

9i. WebDriver – Explicit Waits

Hiya everyone! This post is a continuation of the previous one, 9h. WebDriver – Implicit Waits. Without further ado, let us harness the power of Explicit Waits. An explicit wait requires a bit more coding but has huge advantages compared…

9h. WebDriver – Implicit Waits

Its said, “time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters”. But waiting until everything materializes is equally important. These days, web pages are mostly developed using javascript and ajax techniques. As a result, different elements on the…