Hiya testers! Let us jump right into the cssSelector locating strategy. What if we don’t have an option to locate an element using Id, class or name? Got anything up your sleeve? Well, I have one, cssSelectors. This is an advanced and effective strategy.
Posts in "Selenium"
9k. WebDriver – Locating elements: Part 2 (by className, linkText, partialLinkText)
Hiya friends! Let us dive deeper today to look at a few more strategies for locating elements. In this post we will concentrate on locating by, className linkText partialLinkText
9j. WebDriver – Locating elements: Part 1 (by id, name, tagName)
Hiya friends! If you stepped into the World of Selenium, you must have run into Web Elements! Text boxes, buttons, links, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdowns, alerts etc., everything is treated as a web element. Using locator types and strategies, we can easily identify any desired element on the page. This is the most crucial step… Continue reading
9i. WebDriver – Explicit Waits
Hiya everyone! This post is a continuation of the previous one, 9h. WebDriver – Implicit Waits. Without further ado, let us harness the power of Explicit Waits. An explicit wait requires a bit more coding but has huge advantages compared to an implicit wait. Here we can wait until a certain condition occurs before proceeding… Continue reading
9h. WebDriver – Implicit Waits
Its said, “time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters”. But waiting until everything materializes is equally important. These days, web pages are mostly developed using javascript and ajax techniques. As a result, different elements on the page load at different times. When we automate our manual tests using selenium WebDriver and… Continue reading
9g. WebDriver – Running WebDriver tests in JUnit4
Welcome to another interesting post in our WebDriver series! Its going to be a lot of fun today (may be less fun than eating your favorite chocolate). Are you ready to throw your hat into the ring? If yes, then let’s get started!
9f. WebDriver – JUnit Environment Set-up
Hiya folks! Bring out the testing ninja that is hiding within you as today we are going to set up the environment for JUnit framework. Jumping right in: Step 1: Go to, http://junit.org/junit4/ and click on ‘Download and Install’ link.
9e. WebDriver – Code samples for launching other browsers
What if you can only automate your tests in one browser using Selenium, i.e. Firefox but your web application supports Chrome and IE as well? This implies that testing is required on all three browsers! If this is the case, then Selenium is as useful as sticking your head in sand. Oh, don’t panic! Our… Continue reading
9d. WebDriver – Executing the Test
What good is a line-by-line code walk-through, if you can’t execute and see the output? So without any more fuss, let’s run our code!!
9c. WebDriver – First test script by launching Firefox
Hiya everyone! Time to grab a cup of Java, I mean coffee 😉 Without further ado, let’s get started with our first test script in WebDriver. Under the same project that we created from our previous post (where WebDriver JAR files are added), I have created a new package named, ‘com.blog.tests’.