Directive is a type of Statement which can be used to give instruction to container about doing something special at @ page transalation time.
Directive can be divided in three types
- Page
- Include
- Taglib
Page Directive
Syntax of Page Directive
<%@ page import="com.jbt.*"%>
Uses of Page Directive
Import Package
Page directive can be used to import single or double package.
Import Single Package
<%@ page import="com.jbt.*"%>
Hello! <%= method() %>
Import Multiple Package
<%@ page import="com.jbt.*,java.util.*"%>
Hello! <%= method() %>. Time is <%new Date()%>
Taglib Directive
This directive is used to define tag libraries available to JSP.
Syntax of taglib Directive
<%@ taglib tagdir= "" prefix="" %>
Uses of taglib Directive
taglib directive can be useful in case of Custom tags.