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Proxy Design Pattern

In this article I’ll write about the Proxy Design Pattern. This pattern is used to control access to resources and objects. The real value of this pattern is to reduce memory costs for objects until you really need them.

Java Date format

Here i will provide list of Java Date formats that are used in Java frequently. There are different ways you can achieve the same result in Java. 1- Using Predefined Format You can directly use DateFormat class to format date…

Adapter design pattern in java

In this article I’ll introduce the Adapter Design Pattern and how you can use it in Java. This pattern is mostly used to enable loosely-coupling of plugins into applications (for example the way Eclipse does this).

Java virtual machine basics

JVM is an abbreviated form of Java Virtual Machine. It is a Java byte code processing engine that converts Java byte code into machine language, which is then executed by the machine (computer). Java byte code is an intermediary language…

Generate random number in java

Here you will learn to generate random number in java between two given number by different means. I will try to provide cons for different mechanism so that you can choose what is best for you.

Java 8 lambda foreach List

You must have heard about Lambda Expression introduced in Java 8. Soon we will cover detail topics on it. But now in this article i will show how to use Lambda expression to iterate Collection List. If you want to…