Category Selenium

Selenium is a set of tools used to automate and test web applications. Since it is not a single tool, it is referred to as a Suite. For deeper and better understanding, think of Selenium as an API for the web browser, i.e. manipulating the elements present in it. Here you will find list of article dedicated to selenium

9b. WebDriver – Set Up in Eclipse

Welcome to our first explore-along post of WebDriver series. It is recommended that you follow closely and work along to make the set up process all the more simple! Pre-requisites: Have an active internet connection. Download and install Java SE…

8. Surprise Freebie

Hiya friends! Hope you had a great time learning Selenium IDE through this blog series. Before stepping into our next tool, Selenium WebDriver, I thought of giving you a freebie. Now that you have witnessed the power of Selenium tools…